旁遮普省一辆拖拉机的出租车失事杀死一名澳大利亚NRI和司机,打伤母亲。 Taxi crash with a tractor in Punjab kills an Australian NRI and driver, injures mother.
印度旁遮普省国家公路44发生悲剧性事故,一辆出租车与一辆装有甘蔗的拖拉机相撞。 A tragic accident occurred on National Highway 44 in Punjab, India, when a taxi collided with a sugarcane-loaded tractor-trolley. 坠机造成设在澳大利亚的NRI公司Dilpreet Singh和出租车司机Yugraj Masih死亡。 The crash killed Dilpreet Singh, an Australian-based NRI, and taxi driver Yugraj Masih. Singh的母亲Gurinder Kaur因伤势严重,后来被转移到DMC,Ludhiana,因为她病情危急。 Singh's mother, Gurinder Kaur, was seriously injured and later transferred to DMC, Ludhiana, due to her critical condition. 拖拉机司机逃离现场,根据相关法律对他们登记了一起案件。 The tractor driver fled the scene and a case has been registered against them under relevant laws.