南非公共保护者批评DCS对Thabo Bester的越狱反应迟缓和处理不当。 South African Public Protector criticizes DCS for delayed response and mishandling of Thabo Bester's escape.
南非公共保护人批评惩教署(DDCS)对Thabo Bester于2022年5月从Mangaung惩教中心越狱的处理不当。 The South African Public Protector has criticized the Department of Correctional Services (DCS) for mishandling Thabo Bester's escape from Mangaung Correctional Centre in May 2022. 安全局花了6个多月时间开始一个越狱案件,并拖延了向警察报告的时间。 The DCS took over six months to initiate an escape case and delayed reporting to the police. 两名官员,Roseline Phahlane和Chris Mahoono面临纪律处分。 Two officials, Roseline Phahlane and Chris Mahonono, face disciplinary action. 公共保护者呼吁制定逃跑预防战略和指导方针, 解决DCS的腐败问题. The Public Protector has called for an escape prevention strategy and guidelines for addressing corruption in the DCS.