前列腺癌认识月突出显示前列腺癌先进病例上升,强调早期发现的重要性。 Prostate Cancer Awareness Month highlights rise in advanced prostate cancer cases, stressing the importance of early detection.
前列腺癌意识月突出显示前列腺癌高级诊断增加,强调早期发现的重要性。 Prostate Cancer Awareness Month highlights a rise in advanced prostate cancer diagnoses, emphasizing the importance of early detection. 该疾病是男子中第二大常见癌症,特别影响到黑人男子,黑人男子的发病率和死亡率较高。 The disease is the second most common cancer among men, particularly affecting Black men, who face higher incidence and mortality rates. 专家强调定期进行PSA测试,建议从40岁或45岁开始。 Experts stress regular PSA testing, with recommendations to start at ages 40 or 45. 克利夫兰诊断师等运动的目的是提高认识和筛查,因为早期发现可大大改善结果。 Campaigns like Cleveland Diagnostics' aim to promote awareness and screening, as early detection significantly improves outcomes.