印第安纳大学揭开了音乐家和活动家约翰·梅伦坎普的雕像, 并在10月18日的回国典礼上展示了他的艺术. Indiana University unveils a statue of musician-activist John Mellencamp and showcases his art during Homecoming on Oct 18.
印第安纳大学将向来自印第安纳州锡摩尔(Seymour)的音乐家和活动家John Mellencamp致敬, Indiana University will honor John Mellencamp, a musician and activist from Seymour, Indiana, with a statue unveiling on October 18 during Homecoming. 这次活动恰好与在IU Sidney和Lois Eskenazi艺术博物馆举办的“十字路口:John Mellencamp的绘画”展览同时举行, This event coincides with the exhibition "Crossroads: The Paintings of John Mellencamp" at the IU Sidney and Lois Eskenazi Museum of Art, marking his first display at the university. 梅伦坎普以其音乐事业和社会活动而闻名,他还向 IU 捐赠了他的作品档案收藏。 Mellencamp, known for his music career and social activism, has also donated an archived collection of his work to IU.