马蒂·斯图尔特 (Marty Stuart) 将他的 22,000 件乡村音乐收藏捐赠给了乡村音乐名人堂。 Marty Stuart donated his 22,000-item country music collection to the Country Music Hall of Fame.
乡村音乐传奇人物马蒂·斯图尔特(Marty Stuart)将其广泛收藏的22 000多件物品捐给了纳什维尔乡村名人音乐厅和博物馆。 Country music legend Marty Stuart donated his extensive collection of over 22,000 items to the Country Music Hall of Fame and Museum in Nashville. 收藏的包括乐器,舞台服装,艺术品和歌曲手稿,现在是世界上最大的乡村音乐私人收藏. The collection, comprising instruments, stage wear, art, and song manuscripts, now forms the largest private collection of country music artifacts in the world. 该博物馆将在其永久展览中展示许多项目,并与密西西比费城的斯图尔特乡村音乐大会合作,在其即将到来的博物馆展出收藏品中的作品。 The museum will showcase many items in its permanent exhibition and collaborate with Stuart's Congress of Country Music in Philadelphia, Mississippi, to exhibit pieces from the collection at its forthcoming museum.