加利福尼亚州车管部取消了对70多个驾驶执照延期的驾驶员的书面测试要求。 California DMV eliminates written test requirement for drivers over 70 renewing licenses.
加利福尼亚州车管部将不再要求70岁及以上的驾驶员在续签执照时接受书面知识测试,并立即生效。 California's DMV will no longer require drivers aged 70 and older to take a written knowledge test when renewing their licenses, effective immediately. 这项政策旨在加强为那些没有交通违规者提供的客户服务。 This policy aims to enhance customer service for those without traffic violations. 然而,这些司机仍须完成视力测试,并亲自更新照片。 However, these drivers must still complete a vision exam and update their photo in person. 第一次驾驶员和驾驶记录差的驾驶员仍然需要接受知识测试。 First-time drivers and those with poor driving records will still need to take the knowledge test.