从 2025 年开始,70 岁以上的英国司机每三年进行一次视力、认知测试以更新驾照。 UK drivers over 70 to face vision, cognitive tests every three years starting 2025 to renew licenses.
联合王国70岁以上的司机可能需要通过新的视力和认知测试,以便从2025年开始,每三年更新一次执照。 Drivers over 70 in the UK may need to pass new vision and cognitive tests to renew their licenses every three years, starting in 2025. 这是由于对道路安全的关切,因为老年司机可能面临更多的健康问题。 This follows concerns about road safety as older drivers may face more health issues. 更新将涉及自我评估问卷,有可能导致医疗评估。 Renewal will involve a self-assessment questionnaire, potentially leading to medical assessments. 此外,新的汽车税变化将影响到所有司机,标准费率上升,高排放汽油车的收费增加。 Additionally, new car tax changes will affect all drivers, with standard rates rising and higher fees for high-emission petrol cars.