阿根廷的伊拉里奥·阿斯卡苏比镇由于砍伐森林造成鹦鹉入侵,面临停电。 Argentinian town of Hilario Ascasubi faces power outages due to parrot invasion caused by deforestation.
阿根廷城镇伊拉里奥·阿斯卡苏比正面临鹦鹉入侵,由于砍伐森林,数千只鸟类被吸引到该地区。 The Argentinian town of Hilario Ascasubi is facing a parrot invasion, with thousands of birds drawn to the area due to deforestation. 大批涌入造成该镇居民停电和动乱,他们正在努力应付这种情况。 This influx is causing power outages and disturbances for the town's residents, who are struggling to manage the situation. 尽管努力阻止鹦鹉,例如噪音和激光,但事实证明,这些努力是无效的。 Despite efforts to deter the parrots, such as noise and lasers, these have proven ineffective. 生物学家Daiana Lera提倡恢复生境,以解决根本问题,促进共存。 Biologist Daiana Lera advocates for habitat restoration to address the underlying issue and promote coexistence.