1 岁的 Journee Moore 在华盛顿特区西北部的死亡被裁定为谋杀;MPD 调查,悬赏 25,000 美元。 1-year-old Journee Moore's death in Northwest D.C. ruled a homicide; MPD investigating, offering $25,000 reward.
一岁的 Journee Moore 在华盛顿特区西北部死亡,她的死亡因多处钝器受伤而被裁定为凶杀。 One-year-old Journee Moore died in Northwest D.C., with her death ruled a homicide due to multiple blunt force injuries. 第一批应答者发现她在康涅狄格州大道的一家家中 心脏病发作, 她被宣布死亡 尽管努力救她。 First responders found her in cardiac arrest at a home on Connecticut Avenue, and she was pronounced dead despite efforts to save her. 大都会警察局正在进行调查,对导致逮捕的信息给予25 000美元的奖励。 The Metropolitan Police Department is investigating and offering a $25,000 reward for information leading to an arrest. 任何有详细信息的人都会被敦促与警方联系。 Anyone with details is urged to contact the police.