在Schanck角被冲走岩石后,妇女淹死;另外两人安全抵达岸边。 Woman drowned after being swept off rocks at Cape Schanck; two others reached shore safely.
一名女子在星期一被冲走岩石后 溺死在维多利亚州斯昌克角外 A woman drowned off Cape Schanck, Victoria, after being swept off rocks on Monday. 12时15分左右,紧急服务处接到警报,发现她在木板道下方的水中反应不灵敏。 Emergency services were alerted around 12:15 pm and found her unresponsive in the water beneath the boardwalk. 在所涉三人中,只有两人安全返回岸上。 Of the three people involved, only two returned to shore safely. 该名妇女在康复后被宣布死亡。 The woman was pronounced dead upon recovery. 当局将为验尸官准备关于这一事件的报告。 Authorities will prepare a report for the coroner regarding the incident.