出于安全和福祉考虑,Te Teko 街区的居民提议开设酒类商店,导致在议会支持下撤回申请。 Residents of Te Teko block proposed liquor store due to safety and wellbeing concerns, leading to the application withdrawal with council support.
Te Teko 居民在提交了 300 多份反对意见后,以担心社区安全和儿童福祉为由,成功阻止了一家拟议中的酒类商店。 Te Teko residents have successfully blocked a proposed liquor store after submitting over 300 objections, citing concerns for community safety and children's wellbeing. Whakatāne区议会支持反对派,领导Tom和Jerry批发有限公司撤回申请。 The Whakatāne District Council supported the opposition, leading Tom and Jerry Wholesale Limited to withdraw its application. 社区成员感谢理事会允许他们在进程中表达其关切,包括在Te Reo毛利人语中表达其关切。 Community members expressed gratitude to the council for allowing them to voice their concerns, including in Te Reo Māori, during the process.