北约克郡的Middleton Lodge Spa获《泰晤士报》和《星期日时报》颁奖“北英格兰和东北最佳斯帕”。 Middleton Lodge Spa in North Yorkshire is awarded "Best Spa in Northern England and North East" by The Times and Sunday Times.
《泰晤士报》和《星期日时报》都认为北约克郡的Middleton Lodge Spa是英格兰北部和东北地区最好的温泉。 Middleton Lodge Spa in North Yorkshire has been recognized as the best spa in Northern England and the North East by The Times and Sunday Times. 2023年6月开放的户外温泉疗养场有一个热水池、桑拿和治疗小屋,并因其直截了当的治疗和Michelin Green Star餐厅受到赞扬。 Opened in June 2023, the outdoor spa features a heated pool, sauna, and treatment huts, and is acclaimed for its straightforward treatments and Michelin Green Star dining. 这一认识突出了联合王国日益增强的健康趋势,消费者对自我保健的投资日益增加。 This recognition underscores the UK's growing wellness trend, with increasing consumer investment in self-care.