Kate Winslet在播客中透露 泰坦尼克号著名的门景 是在腰部高水里拍摄的 需要制作后的对话循环 Kate Winslet revealed in a podcast that Titanic's famous door scene was filmed in waist-high water, necessitating post-production dialogue looping.
在最近的播客中,凯特·温斯莱特 (Kate Winslet) 分享了对《泰坦尼克号》中著名门场景的见解,并透露它是在齐腰高的水箱中拍摄的。 In a recent podcast, Kate Winslet shared insights about the famous door scene from Titanic, revealing it was filmed in a waist-high water tank. 由于回收水的噪音,她和女主角莱昂纳多·迪卡普里奥之间的对话变得困难,因此在电影的最后22分钟需要进行后期制作. The noise from the recycling water made dialogue between her and co-star Leonardo DiCaprio difficult, necessitating post-production looping for the last 22 minutes of the film. Winslet将拍摄经历描述为“尴尬”, Winslet described the filming experience as "awkward," yet highlighted its significance in the movie's emotional impact. 泰坦尼克号在2027年庆祝其30周年。 Titanic celebrates its 30th anniversary in 2027.