2021年7月,Shawn Mann在密苏里的Mark Twain国家森林遇到一只非侵略性的黑熊。 In July 2021, Shawn Mann encountered a non-aggressive black bear in Missouri's Mark Twain National Forest.
2021年7月,Shawn Mann在密苏里的Mark Twain国家森林遇到一只奇怪的黑熊,在YouTube上捕捉了这一事件。 In July 2021, Shawn Mann encountered a curious black bear in Missouri's Mark Twain National Forest, capturing the incident on YouTube. 曼保持冷静, 让熊通过没有对抗. Mann remained calm, allowing the bear to pass without confrontation. 虽然熊通常避开人类,但如果受到威胁,它们可以表现出攻击性的行为。 While bears typically avoid humans, they can display aggressive behavior if threatened. 建议不要逃离熊 如果受到攻击 也不要反击 It's recommended not to run from a bear and, if attacked, to fight back. 幸运的是,这次遭遇中的熊没有构成威胁,很快离开了该地区。 Fortunately, the bear in this encounter posed no threat and soon left the area.