休斯顿德克萨斯州承诺为海伦飓风后救济工作提供100万美元。 Houston Texans pledge $1 million for relief efforts following Hurricane Helene.
休斯顿德克萨斯人已认捐100万美元,用于海伦飓风后救济工作。 The Houston Texans have pledged $1 million for relief efforts following Hurricane Helene. 这笔捐款将向受影响社区提供即时和长期援助,支持其恢复和重建。 This donation will provide both immediate and long-term assistance to affected communities, supporting their recovery and rebuilding. 德克萨斯人的贡献突出表明,他们承诺援助受自然灾害影响的人。 The Texans' contribution underscores their commitment to aiding those impacted by natural disasters.