英国前首相约翰逊的回忆录《释放》(Unleashed)指责法国总统马克龙利用移民危机作为英国脱欧的报复。 Former UK PM Johnson's memoir "Unleashed" accuses French President Macron of using the migrant crisis as Brexit retaliation.
在他的回忆录"Unleashed"中, 英国前总理里斯·约翰逊指责法国总统马克龙利用小船移民危机惩罚英国脱欧. In his memoir "Unleashed," former UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson accuses French President Emmanuel Macron of leveraging the small boats migrant crisis to punish Britain for Brexit. Johnson形容Macron在Brexit谈判期间是“骚扰”, 并暗示他的行动是报复。 Johnson describes Macron as a "nuisance" during Brexit negotiations and suggests his actions were retaliatory. 这本书还包括大卫·卡梅伦关于脱欧运动的威胁,以及对大流行病封锁的影响的质疑. The book also includes remarks on threats from David Cameron regarding the Leave campaign and questions the impact of pandemic lockdowns.