俾路支人权理事会在联合国日内瓦办事处抗议, 指控巴基斯坦和中国在俾路支开采资源及侵犯人权。 Baloch Human Rights Council protests at UN Geneva, accusing Pakistan and China of resource exploitation and human rights violations in Balochistan.
俾路支人权理事会(BHRC)在联合国日内瓦办事处外提出抗议, 指控巴基斯坦和中国开采俾路支省资源, The Baloch Human Rights Council (BHRC) protested outside the UN office in Geneva, accusing Pakistan and China of exploiting Balochistan's resources, leading to human rights violations. 拉扎克·巴洛奇(Razzak Baloch)是BHRC成员, 将巴基斯坦称为失败国家, Razzak Baloch, a BHRC member, labeled Pakistan a failed state and demanded the removal of both nations from the region. 积极分子呼吁进行国际干预,解决强迫失踪问题和针对俾路支人民的军事行动,倡导受影响省份的和平。 Activists called for international intervention to address enforced disappearances and military operations against the Baloch people, advocating for peace in the affected provinces.