亚太53.6%的人口享有社会保护,但21亿人得不到保护。 Asia-Pacific's 53.6% population has social protection, but 2.1 billion unprotected.
2023年,亚太人口中有53.6%的人至少得到一个社会保护方案的保护,略高于国际劳工组织(劳工组织)报告的全球平均数52.4%。 In 2023, 53.6% of the Asia-Pacific population is covered by at least one social protection program, slightly above the global average of 52.4%, as reported by the International Labour Organization (ILO). 尽管取得了这一进展,但21亿人缺乏防范社会经济风险的保护。 Despite this progress, 2.1 billion people lack protection against socio-economic risks. 劳工组织强调,必须建立强有力的社会制度,应对气候变化的影响,促进绿色经济,支持该区域的弱势群体。 The ILO emphasizes the necessity of robust social systems to address climate change impacts, promote green economies, and support vulnerable populations in the region.