29 岁的约书亚·弗朗切斯基 (Joshua Franceschi) 因在佛罗里达州奥西奥拉县 (Osceola County) 犯有预谋的谋杀罪而被捕,原因是约书亚·丹尼尔·米切尔 (Joshua Daniel Mitchell) 在咖啡馆外发生争吵后被枪杀,据称此前被捕的克里斯托弗·加勒特 (Christopher Garrett) 在那里向他开枪。 29-year-old Joshua Franceschi arrested for premeditated murder in Osceola County, FL, over fatal shooting of Joshua Daniel Mitchell after altercation outside café, where Christopher Garrett, previously arrested, allegedly shot him.
Joshua Franceschi,29岁,在佛罗里达州Osceola县被捕,因为他参与2023年11月14日对Joshua Daniel Mitchell的致命枪击。 Joshua Franceschi, 29, was arrested in Osceola County, Florida, for his involvement in the fatal shooting of Joshua Daniel Mitchell on November 14, 2023. Mitchell在隆戈咖啡厅外发生对峙后死亡,据称Franceschi在1月份被捕的第一名嫌犯Christopher Garrett开枪之前殴打了他。 Mitchell died after a confrontation outside Lungo Cafe, where Franceschi allegedly assaulted him before Christopher Garrett, the first suspect arrested in January, shot him. Franceschi面临蓄意谋杀和殴打的指控,目前没有保证金。 Franceschi faces charges of premeditated murder and battery, and is currently held without bond.