Des Moines警官在搜查令检查中开枪打死了Brandon Allen Mitchell;没有发现枪支。 Des Moines police officers shot and killed Brandon Allen Mitchell during a warrant check; no gun was found.
Des Moines警官William Perez和Michael Hoopes于1月24日在高地公园附近进行重罪搜查时开枪打死了36岁的Brandon Allen Mitchell。 Des Moines police officers William Perez and Michael Hoopes shot and killed 36-year-old Brandon Allen Mitchell during a felony warrant check in the Highland Park neighborhood on January 24th. Mitchell躲在衣柜里 告诉军官他有枪 Mitchell was hiding in a closet and informed officers he had a gun. 官员遵守规程,在伊奥瓦州刑事调查局进行调查之前,两人现在都履行行政职责。 Officers followed protocols, and both are now on administrative duty pending an investigation by the Iowa Department of Criminal Investigation. 现场没有发现枪支。 No firearm was found at the scene.