37岁的Ben Renyard被控在Morpeth用刀刺人,于10月8日作出保释决定。 37-year-old Ben Renyard accused of knife attack in Morpeth, bail decision on Oct 8.
37 岁的本·雷亚德 (Ben Renyard) 因涉嫌在莫珀斯投掷刀子伤害一名 26 岁男子而面临伤人和鲁莽伤人的指控。 Ben Renyard, 37, faces charges of wounding and reckless wounding for allegedly throwing a knife that injured a 26-year-old man in Morpeth. 在纽卡斯尔地方法院,他的律师以缺乏闭路电视证据和受害人否认论点的陈述为由,主张有条件保释。 In Newcastle Local Court, his lawyer argued for conditional bail, citing a lack of CCTV evidence and the victim's statement denying an argument. 检察官反对保释,担心证人干预和进一步犯罪。 Prosecutors opposed bail, fearing witness interference and further offenses. 伊恩·谢瑟姆治安官下周五将决定保释问题,而Renyard无关的监禁将于10月8日结束。 Magistrate Ian Cheetham will decide on bail next Friday, while Renyard's unrelated imprisonment ends on October 8.