2021 Keran村在J & K's LoC开放, 刺激边境旅游; 村民在议会投票前要求改善基础设施。 2021 Keran village opening in J&K's LoC spurs border tourism; villagers request infrastructure improvements before Assembly polls.
查谟和克什米尔的Keran村位于控制线沿线,自2021年开放以来,边界旅游业不断增加。 Keran village in Jammu and Kashmir, situated along the Line of Control, is experiencing increased border tourism since its opening in 2021. 随着议会选举的临近,村民们正在倡导基本基础设施的改善,包括道路、移动网络和保健服务。 As Assembly polls approach, villagers are advocating for essential infrastructure improvements, including road access, mobile networks, and healthcare services. 他们敦促候选人优先考虑发展,以提高该区域作为旅游目的地的潜力,尽管政府最近努力推动该地区发展。 They urge candidates to prioritize development to enhance the region's potential as a tourist destination, despite recent government efforts to promote the area.