印度派代表团前往蒙古进口煤炭,从澳大利亚多样化。 India sends delegation to Mongolia for importing coking coal, diversifying from Australia.
印度下个月将派遣政府代表团前往蒙古, 讨论钢铁生产必备的煤炭进口问题。 India will send a government delegation to Mongolia next month to discuss importing coking coal, essential for steel production. 这一倡议旨在使来源多样化,减少对澳大利亚的严重依赖,澳大利亚目前供应印度80%至90%的煤炭。 This initiative aims to diversify sources and reduce heavy reliance on Australia, which currently supplies 80-90% of India's coking coal. 更接近蒙古可以降低成本,增加可用性。 Closer proximity to Mongolia could lower costs and enhance availability. 印度还在考虑从俄罗斯进口煤炭,以进一步使其原料来源多样化。 India is also considering coal imports from Russia to further diversify its raw material sources.