天使玩家布兰登·德鲁里的目标是在充满挑战的季节过后提高团队业绩。 Angels player Brandon Drury aims to improve team performance after a challenging season.
天使玩家布兰登·德鲁里表示强烈希望纠正导致一个充满挑战的季节的错误。 Angels player Brandon Drury expressed a strong desire to rectify the errors that contributed to a challenging season. 他承认小组面临的困难,并着重改进工作,为即将到来的季节做准备。 He acknowledged the difficulties faced by the team and is focused on improvement as they prepare for the upcoming season. 德鲁里的决心反映了对提高他的业绩和小组总体成功的承诺。 Drury's determination reflects a commitment to enhancing both his performance and the team's overall success.