TransLink增加票价执法巡逻,以打击逃票行为,加强安全。 TransLink increases fare enforcement patrols to combat fare evasion and enhance safety.
大温哥华的过境当局TransLink正在加紧票价执法巡逻,以打击逃票行为,加强安全。 TransLink, Metro Vancouver's transit authority, is ramping up fare enforcement patrols to combat fare evasion and enhance safety. 这一举措包括提高警察和警卫人员的能见度,旨在每年将逃车费用减少5M美元,这是TransLink90M的成本效益措施的一部分。 This initiative, which includes increased visibility of police and security officers, aims to reduce fare evasion by $5M annually and is part of TransLink's $90M cost-efficiency measures. 强化执法将继续扩大至整个温哥华大都会。 The heightened enforcement will continue to expand throughout Metro Vancouver.