德克萨斯坦普尔的庙宇购物中心,因违反消防和建筑法规而暂时关闭。 Temple Mall in Temple, Texas, temporarily closed due to fire and building code violations.
得克萨斯坦普尔的坦普尔购物中心由于在视察期间发现尚未解决的火灾和违反建筑法规的行为而被城市官员暂时关闭。 Temple Mall in Temple, Texas, has been temporarily closed by city officials due to unresolved fire and building code violations discovered during inspections. 问题包括灭火系统失灵和非功能性警报。 Issues include a failing fire suppression system and non-functional alarms. 一个多学科小组将进行全面的安全审查,商场将一直关闭,直到财产所有人解决所关切的问题。 A multidisciplinary team will conduct a comprehensive safety review, and the mall will remain closed until the property owner addresses the concerns. 该市致力于确保所有游客的安全,并支持受影响的房客。 The city is committed to ensuring the safety of all visitors and supporting affected tenants.