证交会指控Paul Bilzerian据称在儿子的大麻公司Ignite藏匿了数百万美元,以逃避18万美元的判决。 SEC charges Paul Bilzerian for allegedly hiding millions in his son's cannabis company, Ignite, to evade an $180M judgment.
美国证券交易委员会(SEC)已指控前企业突袭者保罗·比尔泽里安(Paul Bilzerian)涉嫌在一家大麻公司Ignite中藏匿数百万美元,该公司与他的儿子丹·比尔泽里安(Dan Bilzerian)有关。 The SEC has charged Paul Bilzerian, a former corporate raider, for allegedly hiding millions in a cannabis company, Ignite, linked to his son, Dan Bilzerian. 指控称,他利用空壳公司来逃避长期欠美国证券交易委员会的 1.8 亿美元的判决。 The charges claim he used shell companies to evade a long-standing $180 million judgment owed to the SEC. Bilzerian,他的会计Scott Rohleder和Ignite 面临密谋诈骗美国、电线欺诈和证券欺诈的指控。 Bilzerian, his accountant Scott Rohleder, and Ignite face accusations of conspiring to defraud the U.S., wire fraud, and securities fraud.