奥尔姆斯特德县长候选人格雷格·赖特因在明尼苏达州罗切斯特竞选时 被狗咬得严重而住院 Olmsted County commissioner candidate Gregg Wright hospitalized due to severe dog bites while campaigning in Rochester, Minnesota.
格雷格·赖特, 俄尔姆斯特德县专员候选人在明尼苏达州, 在罗切斯特竞选期间遭受严重狗咬伤后住院. Gregg Wright, an Olmsted County commissioner candidate in Minnesota, is hospitalized after suffering severe dog bites while campaigning in Rochester. 袭击发生在他锁门时,造成多腿受伤,需要手术。 The attack occurred while he was door-knocking, resulting in multiple leg injuries requiring surgery. Wright预计会恢复, 但担心在11月5日选举前会失去竞选时间, Wright is expected to recover but is concerned about losing campaign time ahead of the November 5 election. 专员Mark Thein强调必须控制宠物,并强调候选人作出的牺牲。 Commissioner Mark Thein emphasized the need for pet control and highlighted the sacrifices made by candidates.