华盛顿县财务总监 April Sloane 承认因狗的死亡而犯有虐待动物的重罪,辞职,避免入狱。 Washington County Controller April Sloane pleads guilty to felony animal cruelty for dog's death, resigns, avoids jail time.
宾夕法尼亚州华盛顿县县长阿普尔·斯隆 (April Sloane) 承认了虐待动物的重罪,因为她的狗托尔 (Thor) 在被剥夺食物和水后死于严重消瘦。 April Sloane, the Washington County Controller in Pennsylvania, has pleaded guilty to felony animal cruelty for the death of her dog, Thor, who died from severe emaciation after being deprived of food and water. 作为她认罪协议的一部分 斯隆将在月底辞职 服五年缓刑 避免坐牢 As part of her plea deal, Sloane will resign by the end of the month and serve five years of probation, avoiding jail time. 她于2021年11月当选,任期至2025年。 She was elected in November 2021 for a term that was set to run until 2025.