印度阿萨姆的马纳斯国家公园和老虎保留地于2024年9月27日重新开放生态旅游。 Manas National Park and Tiger Reserve in Assam, India, reopens for ecotourism on September 27, 2024.
印度阿萨姆的马纳斯国家公园和老虎保留地在季风关闭后,将于2024年9月27日重新开放生态旅游季节。 Manas National Park and Tiger Reserve in Assam, India, will reopen on September 27, 2024, for the ecotourism season after its monsoon closure. 根据《野生动物(保护)法》和《阿萨姆野生动物规则》,公园每周六天开放,星期三为养护工作关闭。 The park will be open six days a week, closing on Wednesdays for conservation efforts, in line with the Wildlife (Protection) Act and Assam Wildlife Rules. 重新开放支持正在进行的养护倡议,包括引进获救动物,同时促进可持续旅游业。 The reopening supports ongoing conservation initiatives, including the introduction of rescued animals, while promoting sustainable tourism.