巴基斯坦最高法院命令拆除Margalla Hills国家公园的山顶食堂,以保护生态系统。 Supreme Court of Pakistan orders demolition of hilltop eateries in Margalla Hills National Park to protect ecosystem.
巴基斯坦最高法院已下令拆除马尔加拉山国家公园内著名的山顶餐厅, The Supreme Court of Pakistan has mandated the demolition of popular hilltop eateries in Margalla Hills National Park to protect the local ecosystem. 环保人士庆祝这一决定, 但对于为集会和庆祝活动估价这些地点的游客来说, 却损失惨重。 This decision is celebrated by environmentalists but marks a significant loss for visitors who valued these sites for gatherings and celebrations. 伊斯兰堡野生生物管理委员会将监督恢复工作,包括拆除建筑物和加强生态教育,同时执行严格的条例以维护该地区的完整性。 The Islamabad Wildlife Management Board will oversee restoration efforts, including dismantling structures and enhancing ecological education, while implementing strict regulations to maintain the area's integrity.