中国驻缅甸大使馆为中华人民共和国75周年举办招待会,有500名客人参加,其中包括缅甸官员和国际代表。 Chinese Embassy in Myanmar hosts reception for 75th anniversary of PRC, attended by 500 guests, including Myanmar officials and international representatives.
中国驻缅甸大使馆于9月28日在仰光举行招待会,纪念中华人民共和国成立75周年。 The Chinese Embassy in Myanmar hosted a reception in Yangon on September 28 to mark the 75th anniversary of the People's Republic of China. 包括缅甸官员和国际代表在内的500多名嘉宾出席了会议,中国的马佳大使强调了中国的发展成就及其对加强中缅关系的承诺。 Attended by over 500 guests, including Myanmar officials and international representatives, Chinese Ambassador Ma Jia emphasized China's development achievements and its commitment to enhancing China-Myanmar relations. 与会者对两国之间的“Paukphaw”友谊继续增长表示祝贺和乐观。 Attendees expressed congratulations and optimism for the continued growth of the "Paukphaw" friendship between the two nations.