西班牙巴伦西亚18世纪壁画,研究人员Pilar Roig和Pilar Bosch利用细菌恢复。 18th-century frescoes in Valencia, Spain, restored using bacteria by researchers Pilar Roig and Pilar Bosch.
研究者Pilar Roig和她的女儿Pilar Bosch发明了一种技术,利用细菌在西班牙巴伦西亚恢复18世纪的壁画。 Researchers Pilar Roig and her daughter, Pilar Bosch, have created a technique to restore 18th-century frescoes in Valencia, Spain, using bacteria. 这一方法涉及训练细菌从过去的恢复中分解破坏性动物凝胶胶。 This method involves training bacteria to break down damaging animal collagen glue from a past restoration. 细菌产生酶,在与藻类凝胶混合时,会降解粘胶,从而能够更快、有效地恢复。 The bacteria produce enzymes that degrade the glue when mixed with an algae-based gel, allowing for quicker, effective restoration. 它们的创新办法还应用到其他历史遗址,并正在测试涂鸦清除方法。 Their innovative approach has also been applied to other historical sites and is being tested for graffiti removal.