摩根士丹利将苏斯隆能源的评级从"超重"降低到"重量均等". Morgan Stanley downgraded Suzlon Energy's rating from "overweight" to "equal weight".
Morgan Stanley将其评分从“超重”降为“等重”后, Suzlon Energy的股份下降了2%,同时将价格目标从73卢比提高到88卢比。 Suzlon Energy's shares fell 2% after Morgan Stanley downgraded its rating from "overweight" to "equal weight," while raising the price target from Rs 73 to Rs 88. 在强劲的订单增长和财务状况改善的推动下,该股在过去六个月中翻了一番。 The stock has doubled in the last six months, driven by strong order growth and improved finances. Morgan Stanley预计未来在可再生能源部门会有重大的订单,但注意到潜在的执行风险。 Morgan Stanley anticipates significant future orders in the renewable sector but notes potential execution risks. 该公司在重新评估对Suzlon的展望之前寻求更好的业绩。 The firm seeks better performance before reassessing its outlook on Suzlon.