Epsilon Energy 的表现优于 Sable Offshore。 Epsilon Energy outperforms Sable Offshore.
在对小型石油/能源公司 Sable Offshore (纽约证券交易所代码:SOC) 和 Epsilon Energy (纳斯达克股票代码:EPSN) 进行财务比较时,Epsilon Energy 的收入和收益高于 Sable Offshore。 In a financial comparison of small-cap oils/energy companies Sable Offshore (NYSE:SOC) and Epsilon Energy (NASDAQ:EPSN), Epsilon Energy has higher revenue and earnings than Sable Offshore. Epsilon Energy 的波动性较低,贝塔值为 0.38,而 Sable Offshore 的贝塔值为 0.06,这表明其股价波动性低于标准普尔 500 指数。 Epsilon Energy has a lower volatility with a beta of 0.38 compared to Sable Offshore's beta of 0.06, suggesting its stock price is less volatile than the S&P 500. Sable Offshore 的上涨潜力较大,其一致目标价为 20.00 美元,评级为 3.00,而 Epsilon Energy 没有评级。 Sable Offshore has a higher probable upside with a consensus price target of $20.00 and a rating score of 3.00, while Epsilon Energy has no rating score.