俄亥俄州辛辛那提市莫勒大主教高中由于未具体说明的威胁而被关禁闭,当地执法部门为大楼提供保安。 Archbishop Moeller High School in Cincinnati, Ohio, went into lockdown due to an unspecified threat, with local law enforcement securing the building.
俄亥俄州辛辛那提市的大主教莫勒高中(Archbishop Moeller High School)周四因未指明的威胁而进入封锁状态。 Archbishop Moeller High School in Cincinnati, Ohio, went into lockdown Thursday due to an unspecified threat. 封锁持续了约45分钟,当地执法部门在此期间为大楼提供了安全保障。 The lockdown lasted about 45 minutes, during which local law enforcement secured the building. 汉密尔顿郡治安官办公室确认没有可信的威胁 现场从未有活跃的枪手 The Hamilton County Sheriff's Office confirmed there was no credible threat, and there was never an active shooter on-site. 在完全清楚之后,学生被开除,家长被告知情况。 Following the all-clear, students were dismissed, and parents were informed of the situation.