茨瓦内市长 Cilliers Brink 因不信任动议而被免职,市议会寻求替代。Tshwane Mayor Cilliers Brink removed due to motion of no confidence, council seeks replacement.
Cilliers Brink 已被免去南非茨瓦内市市长职务,此前一项不信任动议以 120 票赞成和 87 票反对获得通过。Cilliers Brink has been removed as Mayor of Tshwane, South Africa, after a motion of no confidence passed with 120 votes in favor and 87 against.他的18个月任期已经结束,该市目前没有市长,而议会则在寻找替补人选。His 18-month term has ended, and the city currently lacks a mayor while the council seeks a replacement.