前约翰内斯堡市长Kabelo Gwamanda因欺诈指控被解雇,由Tebogo Nkonkou取代。 Former Johannesburg mayor Kabelo Gwamanda was sacked over fraud allegations, replaced by Tebogo Nkonkou.
前约翰内斯堡市长Kabelo Gwamanda因涉及丧葬政策骗局的欺诈和腐败指控而被解除社区发展MMC职位。 Former Johannesburg mayor Kabelo Gwamanda was fired from his position as MMC for Community Development due to fraud and corruption allegations involving a funeral policy scam. 爱国联盟的Tebogo Nkonkou被任命替代他。 Tebogo Nkonkou from the Patriotic Alliance was appointed as his replacement. 民主联盟呼吁全面调查瓜曼达的任期以及最近对一条城市道路重新命名的情况。 The Democratic Alliance called for a full investigation into Gwamanda's tenure and the recent renaming of a city road.