UNH 警方调查了 2 起涉及同一嫌疑人的涉嫌吸毒和性侵犯的报告。 2 reports of alleged druggings and sexual assault involving same suspect investigated by UNH Police.
新罕布什尔大学警察局正在调查两起涉嫌吸毒和涉及同一嫌疑人的性攻击的报告。 The University of New Hampshire Police Department is investigating two reports of alleged druggings and a sexual assault involving the same suspect. 其中一起事件发生在星期五晚上和星期六清晨之间,涉及一名已知受害人,而另一名受害人嫌疑人则在星期四被下药。 One incident, which occurred between Friday night and early Saturday morning, involved a known victim, while the other victim suspects they were drugged on Thursday. UNH 官员鼓励学生保持警惕并利用校园安全资源,包括蓝色紧急电话和警方援助电话 603-862-1212。 UNH officials are encouraging students to remain vigilant and utilize campus safety resources, including blue emergency phones and police assistance at 603-862-1212.