印度女演员康加娜拉纳特撤回了对农业法的评论, 现在主张恢复. Actress Kangana Ranaut retracts previous comments on farm laws, now advocates for reinstatement.
Kangana Ranaut女演员撤回了先前对与2020年农民抗议有关的三项农业法的评论,对她在喜马查尔邦曼迪所说的话表示遗憾。 Actress Kangana Ranaut has retracted her previous comments regarding the three farm laws linked to the 2020 farmers' protest, expressing regret for her remarks made in Mandi, Himachal Pradesh. 她现在主张恢复那些于2021年11月被印度政府废除的法律。 She now advocates for the reinstatement of these laws, which were repealed by the Indian government in November 2021. 这一转变是在她的政党,即Bharatiya Janata党(BJP)在初次陈述后产生反弹之后发生的。 This shift follows backlash from her party, the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), after her initial statements.