20岁的学生在卧室建造微型核聚变原型,费用为2 000美元,缺乏实际核聚变。 20-year-old student builds miniature nuclear fusion prototype in bedroom, costs $2,000, lacks actual fusion.
滑铁卢大学 (University of Waterloo) 20 岁的数学学生 Hudhayfa Nazoordeen 在自己的卧室里用了四个星期的时间制作了一个微型核聚变原型,耗资约 2,000 美元。 Hudhayfa Nazoordeen, a 20-year-old mathematics student at the University of Waterloo, created a miniature nuclear fusion prototype in his bedroom over four weeks, costing about $2,000. 虽然该装置产生等离子体,作为核聚变的关键组成部分,但它本身没有实现核聚变。 While the device produces plasma, a key component of fusion, it does not achieve nuclear fusion itself. 他利用了在线零件,朋友的帮助和人工智能指导. He utilized online parts, assistance from friends, and AI guidance. Nazoordeen计划研制一种更先进的装置,能够实际聚变,估计费用为10 000美元。 Nazoordeen plans to develop a more advanced device capable of actual fusion, estimating a cost of $10,000.