加拿大前参议员和内阁部长Francis Fox(以介绍《获取信息法》著称)84岁的前加拿大参议员和内阁部长Francis Fox已经去世。 84-year-old former Canadian senator and cabinet minister Francis Fox, known for introducing the Access to Information Act, has passed away.
弗朗西斯·福克斯,前参议员兼皮埃尔·特鲁多领导下的内阁部长,84岁去世。 Francis Fox, a former senator and cabinet minister under Pierre Trudeau, has died at 84. 他于1972年当选为议会议员,担任了若干关键职位,包括副检察长和通信部长。 Elected as a Member of Parliament in 1972, he held several key positions, including Solicitor General and Minister of Communications. 值得注意的是,他介绍了《获取信息法》,并为加拿大远程电影作出了贡献。 Notably, he introduced the Access to Information Act and contributed to Telefilm Canada. 福克斯在1978年 个人丑闻后辞去内阁职务 Fox resigned from cabinet in 1978 after a personal scandal. 总理贾斯汀·特鲁多向福克斯的家人表示哀悼。 Prime Minister Justin Trudeau honored his legacy and extended condolences to Fox's family.