13 岁少年在康涅狄格州沃特伯里被捕,罪名是关于公立学校的不可信的威胁性帖子,现在面临指控。 13-year-old arrested in Waterbury, CT, for non-credible threatening post about public schools, now faces charges.
一名13岁的男孩在康涅狄格州Waterbury被捕,因为他对当地公立学校发表威胁性的社交媒体文章。 A 13-year-old boy was arrested in Waterbury, Connecticut, for making a threatening social media post about local public schools. 虽然这一威胁被认为不可信,但他面临二级破坏和平和威胁的指控。 Although the threat was deemed not credible, he faces charges of second-degree breach of peace and threatening. Waterbury警察局长Fernando Spagnolo强调学校安全的重要性,并敦促居民报告任何可疑活动。 Waterbury Police Chief Fernando Spagnolo emphasized the importance of school safety and urged residents to report any suspicious activity. 警察仍然致力于确保社区安全。 The police remain committed to ensuring community safety.