Petco对兔子、结束销售和解决“bunny 倾销”问题采取了只收养政策。 Petco adopts an adoption-only policy for rabbits, ending sales and addressing "bunny dumping" concerns.
Petco 承诺对兔子实行仅限收养的政策,以回应动物福利组织和 对其过去销售行为的批评。 Petco has committed to an adoption-only policy for rabbits, responding to criticism from animal welfare groups and regarding its past sales practices. 该公司最近完成了一个有限的试点方案,出售的兔子不到50只。 The company recently concluded a limited pilot program where fewer than 50 rabbits were sold. Petco 的决定旨在解决对“兔子倾倒”的担忧,即主人由于对所需的照顾毫无准备而遗弃兔子。 Petco's decision aims to address concerns about "bunny dumping," where owners abandon rabbits due to unpreparedness for the care required. 在10月之前,他们还将为收养方面的节余提供20%的折扣。 They will also offer a 20% discount on adoption-related savings until October.