议会服务局计划在4年内投资190万欧元,供一名健身教练,以促进TDS、参议员和工作人员的健康。 Oireachtas Service plans to invest €190k over 4 years for a fitness instructor to promote health of TDs, Senators, and staff.
议会服务院计划在四年内投资近190 000欧元,培养一名健身教练,促进TDS、参议员和工作人员的健康。 The Houses of the Oireachtas Service plans to invest nearly €190,000 over four years in a fitness instructor to promote the health of TDs, Senators, and staff. 合同估计为188 640欧元,包括最初的两年任期,可选择两次延长一年。 The contract, estimated at €188,640, includes an initial two-year term with options for two additional one-year extensions. 该教员将管理健身室,制定个性化培训方案,并举办上岗培训班。 The instructor will manage the Fitness Room, develop personalized training programs, and conduct induction courses. 健身房配备了心脏和抵抗设备,每周运行18.5至27.5小时. The gym is equipped with cardio and resistance equipment, operating 18.5 to 27.5 hours weekly.