日本和新西兰对中国最近在太平洋进行的洲际弹道导弹试验表示关切。 Japan and New Zealand express concerns over China's recent ICBM test in the Pacific Ocean.
日本和新西兰对中国最近在太平洋试验洲际弹道导弹提出了重大关切。 Japan and New Zealand have raised significant concerns over China's recent test of an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) in the Pacific Ocean. 新西兰政府称此次试验"不欢迎,令人担忧", 而日本则敦促中国确保区域透明度和稳定. New Zealand's government called the test "unwelcome and concerning," while Japan urged China to ensure regional transparency and stability. 导弹射程对邻近领土构成潜在威胁,引起国际伙伴对南太平洋安全感到担忧。 The missile's range poses potential threats to neighboring territories, prompting worries among international partners about security in the South Pacific.