Inyanga Marine 在斯特拉斯克莱德大学完成了 HydroWing 潮汐能技术的被动变桨装置的水动力测试。 Inyanga Marine completes hydrodynamic testing of Passive Pitch Unit for HydroWing tidal energy technology at the University of Strathclyde.
Inyanga Marine Energy Group 在斯特拉斯克莱德大学成功完成了其用于 HydroWing 潮汐能技术的被动变桨装置的水动力测试。 Inyanga Marine Energy Group has completed successful hydrodynamic testing of its Passive Pitch Unit for the HydroWing tidal energy technology at the University of Strathclyde. 这一创新使刀片转子能够自动调整其位置,在粗野海洋条件下提高效率和安全性。 This innovation allows the blade rotor to automatically adjust its pitch, enhancing efficiency and safety in rough ocean conditions. 该公司计划在威尔士Morlais部署一个20兆瓦潮汐项目,并在全球范围增设项目,强调可靠性和成本效益。 The company plans to deploy a 20 MW tidal project in Morlais, Wales, and has additional projects globally, emphasizing reliability and cost-effectiveness.