2023年全球使用智能手机的运输量超过1.95亿单位,比2022年增加了6.4%,苹果和三星控制了64%的市场。 2023 global used smartphone shipments exceeded 195 million units, a 6.4% increase from 2022, with Apple and Samsung controlling 64% of the market.
2023年,全球使用智能手机的运输量超过1.95亿台,比2022年增加了6.4%,价值729亿美元,增加了12.4%。 In 2023, global used smartphone shipments surpassed 195 million units, a 6.4% increase from 2022, valued at $72.9 billion, up 12.4%. 苹果三星和苹果三星在市场占优势,占市场份额近64%。 Apple and Samsung dominate the market with nearly 64% share. 使用过的智能手机部门预计到2028年将增长到2.57亿个单位,复合年增长率为5.7%,超过了同期预计的新智能手机市场的2.8%。 The used smartphone sector is expected to grow to 257 million units by 2028, with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 5.7%, outpacing the new smartphone market's projected 2.8% CAGR during the same period.