美国副总统哈里斯支持废除参议院对联邦堕胎保护的阻. Vice President Harris supports abolishing the Senate filibuster for federal abortion protections.
副总统卡玛拉·哈里斯 (Kamala Harris) 表示支持废除参议院的冗长演说,以恢复联邦对堕胎权的保护,类似于罗伊诉韦德案 (Roe v. Wade) 下建立的保护。 Vice President Kamala Harris has expressed her support for abolishing the Senate filibuster to restore federal protections for abortion rights, similar to those established under Roe v. Wade. 在与威斯康星州公共电台的访谈中,她强调,在颁布保障生育自由的法律时,需要简单多数。 In an interview with Wisconsin Public Radio, she emphasized the need for a simple majority to enact laws safeguarding reproductive freedom. Harris还概述了住房援助和水基础设施改善计划,强调她在开展运动时对各种社会问题的承诺。 Harris also outlined plans for housing assistance and water infrastructure improvements, highlighting her commitment to various social issues as she campaigns.