58岁的Ryan Wesley Routh被控企图在佛罗里达高尔夫球场暗杀前总统特朗普。 58-year-old Ryan Wesley Routh charged with attempting to assassinate former President Trump at a Florida golf course.
Ryan Wesley Routh 58岁 被控企图在佛罗里达高尔夫球场暗杀前总统Donald Trump Ryan Wesley Routh, 58, has been charged with attempting to assassinate former President Donald Trump at a Florida golf course. 鲁斯留下了一张纸条,坦白了他的意图和一份特朗普的露面清单。 Routh left a note confessing his intentions and a list of Trump's appearances. 一名特勤局特工发现了藏在灌木丛中的一支步枪,他的阴谋被挫败。 His plot was thwarted when a Secret Service agent spotted a rifle hidden in the bushes. Routh目前因火器指控而被拘留,司法部正在设法将他拘留,因为随后可能提出更严重的指控。 Routh is currently held on firearms charges, and the Justice Department is seeking to keep him detained as more serious charges may follow.